Basic Principles



The only solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict is reconciliation based on the principle of two independent states for two peoples between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, within the framework of a peace agreement. This is also necessary to guarantee Israel’s survival as the democratic state of the Jewish People; its security, and the prosperity of all its citizens within a pluralistic society based on the values of equality and tolerance.


True reconciliation and sustainable peace, demand painful compromises from both sides that take into account the social, economic and political needs of Israelis and Palestinians alike.


To succeed, the struggle for peace requires that we recruit increasing numbers of people to a common effort, openly calling upon the Israeli government to present a clear, focused and genuine policy on peace, based on the two-states-for-two peoples solution, in the spirit of paragraph 6, below.


Such a clear statement of policy, together with Palestinian awareness of Israeli strength and an appreciation of the economic benefits that derive from a peaceful cooperation, will ultimately remove Palestinian hesitation about negotiations and strengthen majorities on both sides who favor peace.


This unequivocal Israeli position in favor of peace, based on the principle of two states for two peoples, will also contribute to the struggle against Israel’s international isolation and improve its international standing, both of which are essential to the country’s security and economic well-being.

We call upon the Israeli government to enter into genuine negotiations with the Palestinian Authority with the goal of reaching a comprehensive peace agreement


The following principles will come into force as part of, and only as part of, a comprehensive peace agreement between both sides - backed up by international guarantees - that provides for the security and welfare of both states:


Mutual Recognition: Full Palestinian recognition of Israel as the national home of the Jewish People, and full Israeli recognition of Palestine as the national home of the Palestinian People.


Borders: The final boundary between Israel and Palestine will be based on the 1967 border, with requisite adjustments to be agreed upon by both sides. The main settlement blocs, such as Gush Etzion, Maale Adumim and Givat Zeev, settlements adjacent to the Green Line and the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem – will remain part of Israel. In exchange, Israel will give the Palestinian State an equal amount of territory.


Jewish settlement over the Green Line: As presented in the previous paragraph (b), the main settlement blocs – occupying only 5% of the territory of the West Bank but containing some 80% of Jews living over the Green Line – will be part of the State of Israel within its new, internationally recognized borders. The rest of the territory, comprising most of the land mass of the West Bank (95%), will be part of the State of Palestine. Jewish settlements in this latter area will be evacuated and their residents will receive assistance in relocating to places within the new sovereign boundaries of the State of Israel.


Demilitarization: The new Palestinian State will not have offensive military capabilities but will have appropriate police and military means to enforce law and order, maintain security and prevent terror. No foreign military forces will be stationed in the Palestinian State.


Jerusalem: All Jewish neighborhoods will be part of Israel. The city’s 320,000 Palestinians will become citizens of Palestine unless both sides agree to adopt a different formula that takes into account the fact that they currently enjoy Israeli residency status in Jerusalem.

The State of Palestine will recognize Jewish Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, and Israel will recognize whatever capital the Palestinians choose for themselves, be it East Jerusalem, Ramallah or any other location.
The Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter will remain under Israeli sovereignty and freedom of movement will be guaranteed throughout the Old City, including the freedom of Israelis to visit the Temple Mount.


Refugees: Palestinians living in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan will be granted the option of moving to Palestine as equal citizens of the new state. The number of refugees allowed to do so will be determined by the government of the new Palestinian State, when established. Alternately, refugees could choose to remain in their current country of residence and receive international rehabilitation aid, or immigrate to another country in the region that will participate in resettlement efforts. From the moment the peace treaty is signed, neither side will harbor any demands whatsoever regarding refugees.


Racism and terror: Both states will commit to fighting terror, racism and incitement within their own borders through legislation and a policy of active enforcement. This will apply, among other things, to the educational system and the community at large. The two states will also refrain from cooperating with organizations, alliances or coalitions with hostile intentions towards either Israel or Palestine and which call for the disappearance of one of the above states.

Our Pledge


We, May 14th, vow to promote the values of peace and justice in the spirit of paragraph 13 of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, which states that Israel “will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants. . . be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel. . . ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex. . . guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture.” We further pledge to encourage the public to express its support for these values and the principles of reconciliation and peace listed above.


May 14th will not be a political party and will not support any political party.


We pledge ourselves to complete transparency regarding financial support we may receive from other individuals or organizations, and declare hereby that no donations of any sort will ever compromise the independence of our initiative.


We pledge to actively expand our ranks with the goal of building a grass roots non-partisan peace movement based solely on volunteers. The movement will influence public opinion and motivate ever larger numbers of people to express their support for the principles of May 14th, as described in its Covenant, Vision Statement and Declaration of Intent.

We extend our thanks

to hundreds or writers, researchers and journalists, who, over the years - each in his & her own way - have helped lay the theoretical groundwork for our ongoing practical pursuit of peace